Bobak - Handmade Polish Violin

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Product Overview

This violin is part of a collection of high-quality instruments imported directly from Europe.

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Bobak Violino is a recognised and acknowledged workshop with over 25 years of tradition, located in Targ, Poland. Their founder, Jan Bobak, is a prominent Polish luthier, member of ZPAL (Polish Union of Zartist Violin Makers) and first prize winner of the 1986 International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Making Competition.

Currently, the workshop is run by Bobak's son, Grzegorz Bobak. Grzegorz graduated from the Natoni Kenar Arts High School in Zakopane, Poland, as well as gaining experience at the William Harris Lee & Co. in Chicago.

Bobak Violino Workshop is also an educational location for young and promising luthiers, and have helped produce several other violin-making workshops in Poland.


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